Telegram Group Search
Let the marke stabilise before any fresh entry
Stack intraday PE positions, do not over leverage as short covering an happen.
Join the public group as our admin is busy for intraday options
Start shedding your holdings, a major sell off is going to follow soon!
Join our new channel
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
The mega PE buying resulting in quite a good fortune
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
AN Ideas&investment
For open trades and queries join our new channel
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
Brilliant analysis of nifty
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
Live trade our target is 40,000 today.
How many think we can achieve it?
Made a high of 144₹
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
Buy BajFinLtd 7000 PE Feb series@120₹
Live trade. Join our new channel for precise analysis
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
Buy Asian paints feb series 3200 PE@55
Target -80₹
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
We will be posting a detailed analysis of Asian paints which will be made free for the public channel of bitsgrow
Yesterday we posted a call and today only we got stellar results. How many of you are following our analysis?
Forwarded from Bitsgrow Pvt Ltd
Forwarded from (Abhijeet Anand)
Bitcoin Update Q1 2022.pdf
251.9 KB
Fearing crash? Nothing you can change about it now. Prepare for the worst. Read and share this report with anyone who's even mildly involved in Crypto.
2024/07/01 09:32:02
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